Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus

The Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus (HRDA) is a semi-government organisation, which commenced its operations in 1979 under the name of Industrial Training Authority of Cyprus.
The HRDA’s mission is to create the necessary prerequisites for the planned and systematic training and development of Cyprus human resources, at all levels and all sectors, for meeting the economy’s needs, within the overall national socio-economic policies.
The HRDA is governed by a 13-strong Board of Governors, comprised of 5 Government, 4 Employer and 4 Trade Union representatives.
The HRDA is funded by the Human Resource Development Levy, paid by all employers/ companies in the private sector and semi-government organisations. As an employer, the government is exempted from this obligation. The self employed are also excluded from the HRDA’s sphere of competence.
The main strategic objectives of the HRDA are:
- Upgrading the country’s human resources, through the systematic lifelong training of the employees, the new entrants in the labour market, the unemployed, the inactive females and the low skilled and older age persons.
- Upgrading the country’s human resources, through the systematic lifelong training of the employees, the new entrants in the labour market, the unemployed, the inactive females and the low skilled and older age person